Classic Lightning Protection
Lightning Protection Institute Certificate Master Installer
Quality Lightning, Grounding & Surge Protection
Serving Commercial, Industrial and Residential
Arizona and Surrounding States
National Fire Protection Association










Don't Let This Happen to YOU!

Click on Images to View Enlargements

Missing Roof and MORE...
from a Lightning Strike.
Check out what a Golf Bag
looks like after it's been hit.
This customer avoided disaster by 10 minutes. They were out shopping, and when they returned, they found drywall and framing boards all over the living room, not to mention the burn marks on the carpet. This was the lowest house in the neighborhood.
This customer was visiting the next door neighbor on the hill above them and saw the lightning hit their house. They only had time to get the cars out and a few belongings - that’s it! It was a total loss.

This house literally exploded when lightning hit and traveled on the gas lines. Another loss which could have been avoided by the installation of a Classic Lightning Protection System. To view a safety warning by the Lightning Safety Alliance Corporation CLICK HERE.

Penetrated Gas Line:

Lightning hit this home's fireplace stack. It was such a light strike that there was no hole in the chimney cap, but was strong enough to penetrate this gas line. Luckily, the homeowner was present at the time to shut the gas off and track down the damaged line.

Chaparral Pines Home:

During this lightning storm, a tree next to the house got struck by lightning and then jumped to the house, resulting in a total loss. This scenario happens many times per year.

Classic Lightning Protection, Inc.
Jeremy J. Poff, President ~ CMID


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Serving all of Arizona and surrounding states.